How to Start Practicing Yoga at Home

There's a lot to be said for taking yoga classes at your local studio. You receive personalized feedback from the instructor, you meet other yogis in your community, and you learn more about the practice from those around you. These are all important benefits, and they shouldn't be ignored or taken lightly.

But if you don't live near a studio, or you're the on-the-go type who struggles to make time for a regular class, maybe a shift worker, doing yoga at home can help you fit the practice seamlessly into your life.

Creating a well rounded Yoga practice can be confusing and confronting.

You might only remember few poses. But getting on your mat is the hardest aspect of all.

Here’s a step by step guide to help you create your own solid home practice.

  1. Create the Space - rolling out the mat in a messy room is not going to create the right space and atmosphere for your practice.

    Make sure the room you’re practising in, is tidy and welcoming, so your attention can stay in your yoga practice …

  2. Create the Time - allocating a designated time and day will help you stay more committed and accountable. Show up for yourself. Keep your promise.

  3. Start Small - committing to 1 hour per day can be intimidating and scary. Commit to only 15mins and see where it takes you…

  4. You only need Yourself - if you have all the yoga gear its a bonus! However, you can do an amazing Yoga practice with your mat only.

  5. Start with Basics - to create a well rounded yoga practice don't forget your basic poses. Doing Yoga with your favourite teacher guiding you online is a great option. New to Yoga? Getting on your mat for 10 mins to do breathing and few quiet moments of sitting with yourself - counts !!

  6. Release Expectations - let go of what you think your practice should look like. Get yourself into the right mindset, then the practice will evolve naturally, beautifully, and safely.

Here’s what I do…

I find a quiet space ( my bedroom ) and shut the door.

I let my 5 year old know not to disturb me for some time ( it gives me about 20 mins 😄)

Sometimes I might use a recorded class by a teacher I like… usually I lay on my back and close my eyes… setting a positive intention for the day…

I then move into some gentle twists and allow the practice to be what it is.

Sometimes even just laying on the floor and connecting to my breathing is enough for me…

Would love to hear how you practice at home or if this blog has given you any inspiration to start…

Rita x

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