How Can Yoga Help with Constipation and Metabolism

Constipation can be a little bit like an internal freeze response. Lack of connection to your belly, stored emotions, fears, and some other reasons… lack of fire- said in Ayurveda

Constipation often comes with stress that is more chronic and less about a certain event. Constipation is often correlated with depression and poor habits that are formed during childhood and adolescence.

How Can Yoga Help Constipation?

There are at least three specific ways yoga for constipation helps:

  • Circulation: getting the blood and lymph moving in the body helps to reactivate a sluggish digestive system.

  • Belly massage: Many yoga postures open, stretch, and then compress the belly, giving the intestines room to do their thing, especially if we have been sitting at a desk all day. Sending blood and energy to these organs allows them to do their job more effectively.

  • Calming the nervous system. If your constipation has a relationship with stress, many aspects of yoga are calming to the body and help us to feel safe again, which can often send the body the signal that it’s okay to get things moving again.

Correct Diet

Feeding our digestive system foods that are easily digested, full of water and fiber can completely restore the digestive system without the need for any supplements of diuretics .

Having a solid day routine helps our digestive system to sync into a rhythm and find its flow again.

Here are Some Yoga poses that can help relieve constipation :

yoga for constipation
yoga for constipation
yoga for constipation

Yogi squat positions your bowl in correct posture for elimination

Side body stretching created more space for collapsed organs that maybe restricting flow

Planking and ab work created fire and movement in the belly region

In Yoga for Digestive Health Program you will:

  • Learn Manual Techniques for faster metabolism

  • learn Yoga poses that Stimulate peristalsis and reduce gas build up

  • Understand foods that slow and stimulate digestion thus promote weight loss

  • Learn How to target fat loss around abdominal cavity

  • Receive a new morning routine that will stimulate your elimination and encourage faster digestion

  • Get a Full day food plan out that your tummy will love

  • Meditation for tension relief on the belly

  • Perfect for those who:

•Have slow sluggish digestion
•bloating / constipation / IBS
•want to learn about your digestion
•want to understands your stomach and how it works
•Plant based

Super Easy , Yammy , No counting or measuring !

Balanced and full of good stuff !

To join the program click here