My Second Water Birth - Almost!

So the day has come, I was 38 weeks,

At 4 am I went to the toilet and when i returned to bed I thought I peed myself, I returned to the toilet and saw a bit of blood ( show) - I knew baby was coming soon….

My husband was sleeping next to me and I told him “not to panic” but baby probably going to come today….

I laid back in bed and and tried getting some sleep… I started having mild constructions, and very quickly I couldn’t lie down anymore….

I decided to pack My daughters bag to stay at her friends house and my hospital bag…. I was measuring my constructions and they were 5 mins apart but it was hard to do anything through them or remain quiet…

At about 7:30am my husband and daughter woke up, she was worried to see me in pain and gave me a hug every time I had a construction….

I called the hospital and let them know they said to wait… we waited… the constructions now were every 3 mins - I called again to say that we are coming from rockingham and have a 40 min drive - and I want my water birth!

They said to come in , and we’ll make a plan….

The ride in the car was agony ! i was holding the handle above the door to help ride those waves! having surges sitting like that in the car was brutal! I said to my husband “ I better be at least 5 cm dilated when I arrive because I am not driving back!”

We arrive at Fiona Stanley Hospital and ofcourse there’s no parking!!! then yes! found one! My husband asked me if he should drop me off at the entrance but I didn’t want to wait there alone “I’ll walk” I said.

The walk was hard, I had to stop in between and lean on something, I wasn’t measuring the constructions at this stage- but they were close….

We made it to the entrance where one of the elder volunteers was concerned and wanted to bring me a wheelchair. The thought of sitting again made me sick - I said I’ll walk…

We made it to the birthing ward- rang the bell , no one answering…. where the hell is everyone ????

Then a midwife saw me in the hallway - apparently we are in the wrong place- now they forced me into a wheelchair- they said it was quicker.

They asked me to jump on the bed for assessment - OMG !!!!! how do women birth on their back ? the most painful construction yet !!!! i jumped off it ! she has to do an assessment somehow differently because I am not laying on my back!!!

I had a strong urge to strip my cloths off. The miwife asked me if i need to push ….? hmmm Yes Yes I do !! but what about my bath ???? its still filling up she said , start pushing and maybe you’ll have time to jump in to deliver the baby ….

Ok… What about the shower? Yes - I was told I can use it… They placed a towel on the floor for my knees, a chair to lean on… 3 pushes- He was out!!!

WOW - so quick ! so smooth!! so intense! so much impulse ! so swift!

Remember the dream I was having ? ( read in my previous blog) - I was going to have this baby in the shower!

This baby boy - he came so beautifully into this world - I thought I would hate the hospital - but the midwives were so good - they have let me take the lead , they didn’t interfere with my needs - they were there to support and just let me know that everything is as should be.

Even though it wasn’t a home birth or a Pool water birth - it was absolutely amazing.

I could bond easily with baby boy and the feelings of LOVE just flooded my body.

With my first home birth - I didn’t have this experience, I was so tired and exhausted from my very long birth - bonding took time. I suffered from anxiety and a flood of sadness when milk came in.

This time, I only had 2 sad days , the milk came in gently and mostly happiness been surrounding us.

I had a labia tear, it was good to be at the hospital to get checked, I would of never known myself that I needed stitches. It was all done on the spot. After giving birth - stitches is nothing !

I was given the option to stay the night or head home that day.

I decided to stay, let myself rest, I couldn’t imagine walking getting in the car that very same day.

I was looked after and fed. i could be in a nice quiet space with my baby. I was given Ice (for all my sore bits) and what can I say - the experience was fabulous !

My conclusion! well… the hospital was great , I came informed with what I want, I came too late for any interventions , but i also advised them that didn’t want some of the post natal interventions that were offered. For me or my baby.

None of this was questioned.

I was happy to have help pushing , and I was very grateful for the post natal support. and now there’s just time to enjoy!

Personal Recommendations:

  • Pregnancy friendly Yoga Class

Wednesdays 5:30pm - Move & Relax Book here

  • Favourite book : Active Birth - Janet Balaskaz