Homebirth - Pregnancy yog

Fighting for my rights AGAIN!!!! to Birth at home!

Fighting for my rights AGAIN!!!! to Birth at home!

So here I am , 6 years later, pregnant again….

This time, this is my fourth pregnancy - birthing second time.

If you read my journey about home birth and fighting for my rights to birth at home with my daughter you would think this time this would be easy! right? I birthed my daughter at home with no complications ( you can read my story here)

Usually for second birth things are easier if your first birth was good, so here I am - thinking GREAT! another lovely home birth.

My Second Water Birth - Almost!

My Second Water Birth - Almost!

So the day has come, I was 38 weeks,

At 4 am I went to the toilet and when i returned to bed I thought I peed myself, I returned to the toilet and saw a bit of blood ( show) - I knew baby was coming soon….

My husband was sleeping next to me and I told him “not to panic” but baby probably going to come today….

I laid back in bed and and tried getting some sleep… I started having mild constructions, and very quickly I couldn’t lie down anymore….