Fighting for my rights AGAIN!!!! to Birth at home!

Fighting for my rights AGAIN!!!! to Birth at home!

So here I am , 6 years later, pregnant again….

This time, this is my fourth pregnancy - birthing second time.

If you read my journey about home birth and fighting for my rights to birth at home with my daughter you would think this time this would be easy! right? I birthed my daughter at home with no complications ( you can read my story here)

Usually for second birth things are easier if your first birth was good, so here I am - thinking GREAT! another lovely home birth.

My Second Water Birth - Almost!

My Second Water Birth - Almost!

So the day has come, I was 38 weeks,

At 4 am I went to the toilet and when i returned to bed I thought I peed myself, I returned to the toilet and saw a bit of blood ( show) - I knew baby was coming soon….

My husband was sleeping next to me and I told him “not to panic” but baby probably going to come today….

I laid back in bed and and tried getting some sleep… I started having mild constructions, and very quickly I couldn’t lie down anymore….

How Positive Affirmations can Change Your Mindset + Free Download of Affirmations

How Positive Affirmations can Change Your Mindset + Free Download of Affirmations

Playing our negative thoughts on a constant loop, it seems to feel like the bad gets worse.

Our thoughts and beliefs and experiences shape both our perception and experience of ourselves, and the world around us.

How Can Yoga Help with Constipation and Metabolism

How  Can Yoga Help with Constipation and Metabolism

There are at least three specific ways yoga for constipation helps:

  • Circulation: getting the blood and lymph moving in the body helps to reactivate a sluggish digestive system.

  • Belly massage: Many yoga postures open, stretch, and then compress the belly, giving the intestines room to do their thing, especially if we have been sitting at a desk all day. Sending blood and energy to these organs allows them to do their job more effectively.

  • Calming the nervous system. If your constipation has a relationship with stress, many aspects of yoga are calming to the body and help us to feel safe again, which can often send the body the signal that it’s okay to get things moving again.

3 Reasons Why Dental Practitioners MUST do Yoga Therapy

3 Reasons  Why Dental Practitioners MUST do Yoga Therapy

“A lot of people think yoga is a little airy-fairy or non-scientific based. They believe they have to go into a huge session and mediate under a yogi. Nothing could be further from the truth. People get into yoga because of the physical benefits. Then they start to realize that it’s actually quite relaxing and provides a bit of mindfulness and stillness at the end of the day.” “Yoga can help dental professionals relax and release the strain on the body created by being in one position for extended periods of time,” Rita says.

How to Start Practicing Yoga at Home

How to Start Practicing Yoga at Home

Creating a well rounded Yoga practice can be confusing and confronting.

You might only remember few poses. But getting on your mat is the hardest aspect of all.

Here’s a step by step guide to help you create your own solid home practice.

I Choose to Start this Story Now...

I Choose to Start this Story Now...

We create this story from all our past experiences and learnings but it is essential to remember two things. One, that it is a story and not necessarily true, and secondly, as we create it we may choose to create another story. This is essentially where my yoga practice started many years ago without me realising I was practicing yoga.

Illuminate Your Chakras

Illuminate Your Chakras

In general, our aim is to rise up through the chakra. Moving away from acting out of survival and moving to making decisions based on intuition.

This begins at our root chakra, deep in our pelvic region, and progresses upward to our crown chakra. Energy should be able to flow freely through our system, without us stuck in any one place or moment.

"I can't touch my toes and my back hurts!!!!" - yoga for back pain - tight hamstrings causes back pain

"I can't touch my toes and my back hurts!!!!" - yoga for back pain - tight hamstrings causes back pain

When your hamstrings are relaxed it allows your pelvis to tilt forward. The lumbar spine will then couple this movement in the direction of the extension which takes the strain off the ligaments and disks.

Therapeutic Yoga has a high focus on lower back health and stretching of the hamstrings.

Yoga as Lower Back Pain Relief

Yoga as Lower Back Pain Relief

I just started my dentistry job, my posture was getting worse every day. I was in my twenties, I recognised the deteriation instantly. At that time I didn’t know that Yoga is going to be my solution.