yoga for lower back pain

3 Reasons Why Dental Practitioners MUST do Yoga Therapy

3 Reasons  Why Dental Practitioners MUST do Yoga Therapy

“A lot of people think yoga is a little airy-fairy or non-scientific based. They believe they have to go into a huge session and mediate under a yogi. Nothing could be further from the truth. People get into yoga because of the physical benefits. Then they start to realize that it’s actually quite relaxing and provides a bit of mindfulness and stillness at the end of the day.” “Yoga can help dental professionals relax and release the strain on the body created by being in one position for extended periods of time,” Rita says.

How to Start Practicing Yoga at Home

How to Start Practicing Yoga at Home

Creating a well rounded Yoga practice can be confusing and confronting.

You might only remember few poses. But getting on your mat is the hardest aspect of all.

Here’s a step by step guide to help you create your own solid home practice.

Yoga as Lower Back Pain Relief

Yoga as Lower Back Pain Relief

I just started my dentistry job, my posture was getting worse every day. I was in my twenties, I recognised the deteriation instantly. At that time I didn’t know that Yoga is going to be my solution.